Increase your Beep Test Score by 3-5 levels!
With Mastering the Beep Test, you’ll be reaching your full score potential in 6 weeks.
Learn to maximise your beep test score with a proven step-by-step program
So you need to increase your beep test score? Fantastic, but getting started or knowing what training program to follow can be confusing and daunting.
We’re going to help you cut through the confusion – you’ll follow a proven program that has been developed and refined from having trained thousands of people, so you’ll be confident knowing that you will be able to maximise your beep test score in the shortest possible time frame.
In Mastering The Beep Test®, we’ll walk you through the entire process, in a simple to follow step-by-step system. With video lessons and demonstrations along the way, you’ll be on your way to higher beep test scores in no-time!
Hi, I’m Russell Kempster
I’ve helped thousands of people improve their beep test score, here’s how I can help you.
I have been a fully qualified fitness instructor since 1988 and have been working on and refining the beep test training program since 2006.
I was first introduced to the Beep Test when I was applying to become a Police Officer for the Victoria Police Force in Australia.
The Beep Test was part of the fitness test that applicants had to pass in order to progress through to the next stage of the application process.
I spent a total of 12 years with Victoria Police. The first 4 years was as a police officer before being recruited as an instructor at the Police Academy. Here I was responsible for applicant testing, training new recruits and delivering refresher and advanced courses to experienced police officers in subjects ranging in everything from fitness to firearms.
It was at the academy that I started to see how a lot of people struggled with the beep test. This led to coming up with a fitness program for my students to follow. This is when the beep test training program was born.
I teamed up with my best mate Mark Standeven who you can see in this picture with me (I’m the ugly one on the left) to help me develop the Beep Test training program and to make it available as an online program.
Mark and I have spent years fine tuning the program that has now helped over 3,000 people worldwide.

Course Information
Mastering the Beep Test® was developed as a simple to follow step-by-step program for improving their beep test score.
Here is what you will learn
Across seven distinct course stages, you’ll learn about:
Who is this course for?
Mastering The Beep Test® was designed for people who need to maximise their beep test score in the shortest time possible.
- You are committed to doing what it takes.
- You understand that the beep test is designed to take you to your cardio limits
- You are willing to continually push yourself to those limits in order to improve.
If you answered yes to the above, then Mastering The Beep Test® is the course for you.
Who this course is not for…
People who expect results without putting in the hard work!
Don’t fool yourself, to improve your beep test score will be hard work. Just doing the beep test itself is designed to push you to your cardio vascular limits.
This program is also not for you if you have unrealistic expectations. We typically see people increase their beep test score by 2-5 levels over a 6-8 week period. Generally the lower the level you are starting from the more increase you can expect.
So are you willing to follow the program and put in the hard work?
If you answered yes, then fantastic, you are half way there. The great news is the program is very simple to follow and the results you will achieve will be well worth the effort!
Are you ready to Master the Beep Test?
Let’s make this happen. Have confidence knowing this course will maximise your beep test score!
Here is what you get when you purchase the course
Mastering The Beep Test® is delivered as an online course. After you purchase, you will be able to log in to an online dashboard, where you can access the course material, which consists of:
The Mastering The Beep Test® is split into two components, the theory where you’ll build your base learning about the mental game, the correct technique (super important), demonstrations of how to do all the exercises that are in the training program and setting up your training program for success.
The theory part of the course will take you around 3 hours to complete. But you’ll come back to review the content many times throughout the actual training program itself.
The second part is the training program itself. Once you have built the foundation and understanding through the theory, then it’s time to get stuck into the training program itself. Time to put the foot on the gas and hit the rubber on the road so to speak.
Of course, we’ll be here with you through the entire process to support you when you need it.
The Course Modules
Let’s get you off to the best start possible and lay the foundation for the program.
Getting Started
Let’s get you off to the best start possible and lay the foundation for the program.
Mastering Technique
Without the right technique, you’ll never reach your full beep test potential. We’ll look at the 9 different components and teach you the correct technique to set up your success.
Peak Performance
If you’re not in the right head space then your performance will suffer. Let’s take a look at how we can ensure our attitude and mind set will allow us to reach our peak performance.
Exercise Demos
Without knowing how to perform the exercises would make the training program impossible. So we’ve got a video demonstration of each exercise that you can refer back to anytime you need.
Training Foundation
This is where the rubber now starts to hit the road. We’ll cover everything you need to be able to hit the ground running to get stuck into the beep test training program.
Training Program
No more theory, it’s time to get into action! This is your step-by-step Mastering the Beep Test training program. Everything is laid out for you to get out there and achieve your beep test goal.
Maintenance Program
You’ve put in the hard work, finished the program, you hit your goals, now what? The maintenance program is designed to help you maintain the level you have now achieved.
Are you ready to Master the Beep Test?
Let’s make this happen. Have confidence knowing this course will maximise your beep test score!
What customers are saying about the program
From 3.2 to 9.6
I went from level 3.2 all the way to level 9.6. This program is hard work but the rewards are certainly worth the effort! Thank you Russ and Mark for your support.
Louse Simmons
From 5.2 to 10.7
My goal was to get to level 10 and starting from level 5.2 I was not convinced it was possible. By the end of the Beep Test program, I surpassed my goal and got to level 10.7.
Michael Wiseback
From 3.5 to 6.6
Starting from a very low initial score of 3.5, I needed to reach 5.01 to pass my Police Fitness Test. I am pleased to say that I was able to get to 6.6 and pass the test with flying colours.
Lisa Smedley
Get Mastering The Beep Test®
$199 (AUD)

You will be emailed your login details within 60 seconds of purchase.
When does the course start and finish?
You can take the course at your own pace. The only deadline is your own drive to complete the program!
What skills will this course teach me?
The Beep Test training program is a course that takes you from learning what the beep test is, how to master the 9 key technique elements and a step-by-step fitness training program, so the list is pretty extensive. Highlights include: Learning the correct technique for peak performance, demo videos showing you exactly how to do the exercises in the program and a full training program guide.
Will I improve my beep test score by the end of the course?
The concept for the Beep Test course is to guide you on the most effective and efficient way to reach your maximum score potential in as short a period as possible. The program was developed and refined through personally training thousands of people. If you follow the program you will improve! Once you reach the end of the program, you will have access to the maintenance program to help you maintain the level you get to or to continue improving if you wish to.
What equipment/tools will I need to complete the course?
We recommend a flat non-slip surface, a 20-metre long measuring tape (although this can be done with a shorter one), cones to mark each end, the Beep test audio program (you get this as part of the program), a device for playing the beep test audio program (most modern phones will do the trick). Plus a willingness to put the work in!
Will I get access to the full course all at once?
What do I do if I need help?
If you need help with something related to the course, simply submit the support form on the member’s website. Thanks!
Start your Beep Test Training program now
A personal note from Russ and Mark
Thank you for your interest in Mastering the Beep Test®, we are very proud of the course and the results our clients are able to achieve.
We’d love the opportunity to help you achieve your beep test goals and look forward to seeing the results you will get from doing the program.
Kind regards,
Russell Kempster and Mark Standeven